
Odessa Linguistic Journal №11/2018

Odessa Linguistic Journal №11/2018

Title page



Oksana Babelyuk Creating a psychological portrait of a postmodern character in English literary text

Nataliya Bigunova Illocutionary aims and perlocutionary effect of praise and compliment speech acts in modern English literary discourse

Alla Golovnia Conceptual analysis of the psychological portrait of Billy Milligan’s multiple personality evolution

Iryna Golubovska American political linguoculture in the mirror of national values (on the material of inaugural speech of Donald Trump)

Inna Kivenko The integration of gratitude communicative moves into English literary dialogue discourse

Anna Pikalova Representation of the linguistic and creative personality of the author in the English-language children’s poetic texts

Rodmonga Potapova, Ksenia Oskina, Vsevolod Potapov Modification of term sense embeddings regarding word-sense disambiguation

Nataliya Primina Admiralty sailing directions as a genre of English maritime discourse

Anna Prihodko Category of evaluation as the object of linguistics: prospects of communication aspects of study

Irena Snikhovska Ludic strategies in modern English-language mediatext

Aryna Frumkina Phonologische Merkmale des Glottisschlageinsatzes beim Vorlesen im bundesdeutschen Fernsehdiskurs

Anastasiia Chornii Narration as a constituent part of the mediation in English fiction conflict discourse

Olena Stscherbak Zusammenwirken der linguistisch-rhetorischen Strategien in den deutschen Nachrichten im Internet

Iryna Zadorozhna, Oksana Yarema, Olha Ladyka Distribution of allusions in British modernist prose: statistical approach


Tetyana Andreyeva Lingual characteristics of blog commentaries (a study of the content of «Українська правда» (‘Ukrainian truth’) website)

Olena Klymentova Specific aspect of verbal influence in missionary sermon (on material Russian language sermons of Pastor S. Adeladga and Pastor V. Muntyan)

Iryna Korniіenko Research of anthroponyms in the context of linguocultural studies (based on the surnames of the Dniprovsky Pryporizhzhiya)

Olga Lefterova Body image of the 16th century mannerist type literature in works of Eastern Slavic (Latin and Ukrainian origin authors)


Olga Grydiushko Kritische Bewertung in den Auftritten von Abgeordneten im deutschen und ukrainischen parlamentarischen Diskurs (kontrastive Perspektive)

Albina Ladynenko The phenomenon of foreign inclusions in Slavic, Roman and Germanic languages (semantic and structural aspects)

Natalja Petljutschenko Grassroots Charisma: diskursive und experimentell-phonetische Identifikation potenzieller Charismatiker in der Graswurzelbewegung Deutschlands und der Ukraine

Liudmyla Slavova, Natalia Borysenko Rendering cultural information in translation: English – Ukrainian direction

Nataliia Stefanova Parametric categorisation model of axioconceptosphere

Yuliia Tomchakovska Reconstruction of the esthetic concept of CHARM in the English and Ukrainian linguistic cultures

Anna Khodorenko “Poverty and brilliance of translation”: the phenomenon of lacunarity in iberic philology and its translation (based on the translation of the comic "The Fate of the Numantia" from Spanish into Russian)

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